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With technology, easy access to the internet, and convenient online marketing services have changed the shape of the promotion of businesses. Online presence is considered as necessary as traditional presence. Real estate websites have transformed the shape of property business; generating leads and access to potential investors have never been easier before.

However, not simply any website can produce effective results until the website builder has put its efforts into it. There are numerous real estate websites in Pakistan, and a simple and dull website cannot attract the target audience until they find it worth their time.

In order to be effective and to become a positive contributor to a more accessible and quicker home-buying method for the buyer, a website design should be innovative, attractive, and updated frequently. The user-Friendly feature is also a must-have for successful real estate websites.

Here we have compiled 10-must have to feature for successful real estate websites for better chances of success and opportunities to generate leads.

Attractive visuals of listings:

We live in a fast era, and with an abundance of data, people only stop scrolling when they encounter something attractive and time-worthy. Therefore, a real estate website with lots of attractive property photos and descriptions can enhance the visual of sites.

According to the National Association of Realtors in America survey, buyers’ decision to purchase property is majorly dependent on images and videos of the property videos.

Content that catches attention:

Visuals (images and videos) can produce more effective results with attractive and easy-to-read content. People looking for properties look for something that is easily comprehensive and attractive so they can invest.


A website should be user-friendly to rank on search engines. Many factors make the website user-friendly, for instance, attractive and user-friendly graphics. A real estate website should consist of professional graphics and images which are easy to load.

The ideal loading time of a website, according to Google, is 0.2 to 0.3 seconds. The minimum loading time ensures minimum bounce rates and ensures better ranking on the website.

Keep website updated:

Creating a website is not the only thing required for effective results. Real estate portals are dependent on leads and interaction with customers. It is essential to keep the portal updated and upgraded. Add new listings regularly, post informative content, and increase customer engagement. The more customers stay on your site, the more chances to turn traffic into leads.

Reliable properties:

Ensure that not every tom dick and harry can post on the property portal to sell properties. Land scams are common everywhere, so only choose a website that has a reliable background. Realizable real estate websites verify listings to ensure it is not fraud and the property is legal and verified.

Prioritize user-friendly feature

A real estate website is like an online shop for properties, and if you are not providing the best user experience, there are chances the user will divert to another site for their needs.

A site that does not provide the best user-friendly experience is like a site that is created for the sake of filling blanks. A good user experience makes an impression on the searchers and attracts customers.

Real Estate Websites Lastly,

That’s a wrap here – Remember that a property portal needs a proper strategy to enhance its credibility. Social media marketing tactics can also be helpful to bring traffic to the website. With persistence, strategy, and determination, a website portal can open doors to a new horizon of success for the real estate business.

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